What is the meaning of tourism

 If you are a person who loves to travel around the world, I would like to sincerely say that I can not tell you exactly what the meaning of tourism is, or even that it is meaningless.

What's the point of traveling in this small world for us, who live in the remote spiral arm of the Milky way, in the tiny solar galaxy, on a tiny blue planet, and are as insignificant as dust?

In the long history of the universe, what's the meaning of our only one hundred years?

Yes, you can see a lot of things you've never seen before

The animals that used to only appear on TV, the elegant giraffes on the African grasslands, the cub like lions

They're beautiful, they have more energy than you think, they're amazing

But it doesn't make sense

You can also see the sunrise at Angkor Wat

can also feel the calm and warm dusk under the snowy mountains of Mexico

Or lie in the desert by the sea

You can also go through the deserted highway 50 (this is my favorite)

Or you can see the strange and desolate world

But it doesn't make sense

You can take your pet to see the great art

(Monet, Venus, Picasso, Van Gogh)

(Van Gogh, Rivera, Munch, Laocoon)

You can also visit the most magnificent historic sites

But it doesn't make sense

You can do a lot of things that others won't or can't think of.
You can also do a lot of things that others don't like but you like them very much.
You can also do things you've never done before, things you can't even think about.
But as a person who has traveled all over the world, I can't tell you what it means to travel.

What's the point of traveling in this small world for us, who live in the remote spiral arm of the Milky way, in the tiny solar galaxy, on a tiny blue planet, and are as insignificant as dust?

In the long history of the universe, what's the meaning of our only one hundred years?

We are so small that not only travel is meaningless, but all our actions, our entire human actions, may be meaningless.

But in this lonely galaxy, in our short life, in our only one life.

Do what you want to do and be what you want to be
This is the greatest meaning.


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